The Slayer of Giants
I’ve often wondered how David must have felt as he walked up to meet Goliath in battle. Imagine looking up at a warrior nearly 10 feet tall, clad with the greatest armor and the sharpest spear. It is clear that he is not afraid of David or his God, and he laughs as the young shepherd approaches (1st Sam. 17).
Now picture the apostle Peter, looking out at Jesus as he takes his first steps toward Him on the water! He is surrounded by the sea, and the wind is raging around him. Realizing this is not a natural thing for any human to do, he stops to look around, perhaps in disbelief (Matt. 14:28ff).
David and Peter were both faced with a scary situation, but the way they handled their fear made all the difference. David’s unfailing confidence in God resulted in a victory that other men thought impossible. Peter, on the other hand, reacted differently. When he took his eyes off of Jesus, he allowed fear to consume him. Doubt set in, and he began to sink.
In life we will face many frightening situations. Hearing about all of the cruelty and evil around us can strike up fear in our hearts, but how we handle that fear is key. We cannot cower to evil, nor do we have reason to be afraid of anything in this world. If something should bring us to our knees, let it be our love and faith in God.
Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. We should increase our faith in Him daily, knowing that there is no situation too great for Him. He slew the giant, he calmed the waves, and He will bring us out of any troubles we face. We can be comforted knowing that He will stand with us when we feel alone and afraid (Matthew 11:28-30).
Adrian Siller